Current Series

Series Introduction
Following a famine in the land, the Lord placed his son Joseph in a place of prominence in Egypt. Because of Joseph’s position in Egypt, they were not only saved from a famine, but were offered a place to live in the land of Egypt.
Exodus acts as a sequel to the book of Genesis, providing the rest of the story. Years passed, the family of Jacob has grown now over generations to a large population. The Pharoah over Egypt knows nothing of Joseph, and sees the descendants of Jacob as a threat – so he enslaves them and orders the murder of the Israelite boys.
Moses would have been one of those boys that lost their lives, but God has a plan where Pharoah’s daughter finds him in a basket in the Nile River.
Exodus leads the reader through the trials of the Israelite slaves, providing a leader, and then a rescue from slavery. You would think after this rescue, there would be gratefulness among God’s children. But soon after the deliverance from Egypt, there begins a battle of gratefulness vs. grumble-ness. Worship, covenants, and the construction of the temple round out the final chapters of Exodus.
Within the pages of Exodus, you find yourself frustrated at the lack of gratefulness. Yet, when we look at our lives, it is a trap we often find ourselves in. God’s rescue available to all of us, yet even after deliverance, we fail to be grateful. Might this book be a reminder to us the importance of living a grateful life, because God has saved His children.
Series Date
January-July 2025
Author: Moses
Date/Setting: Between the 13th-15th Century
Purpose: Deliverance and Rescue of God's People.
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